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The Family legacy behind us!

Great Grandpa McConnell and Granny

on their Wedding Day

Grandpa J.C. McConnell and

Meme June Sexton on their Wedding Day

Our family came from a long line of French Southern heritage. The kind that feeds the soul, loves you for who you are, and sends you with an extra plate of delicious homemade fixins of great grannies recipe when you leave.  Church on Sunday's in your best, loosing the heels for lunch and drinking iced sweet tea with family under the massive mature trees, enjoying the "good old times". Helping anyone that needed it including fresh pickins from your own garden. When I was little I can remember a lot of family gatherings at my granny's. Birthday's, Holiday's, Dinners and any other reason to gather together. As I grew up I realized how grateful I was becoming for all those special moments, and the family in them. Soon enough I would grow up and learn to cherish all of those sweet memories one day when they were gone. 

After moving west from the deep south, into Goldthwaite, Texas planting deep roots there, our immediate family moved and settled their lives in Spaulding, Oklahoma on 100 acres. I say, "Ours" because the McConnell's and Sextons are a large family thru ought the South, family reunions get tough when you have to remember all of those cousins names y'all! 

Fifteen years ago when I moved, I deep down in my heart hoped that one day I could return, raise my own babies and family here. I loved the land, and where I was raised as a young child. But first, I had a lot of things I wanted to go out in the world to do, learn and experience for myself.

 Eventually I moved back with all I had hoped and doing what I had always felt I was called to do. I have always had this love for serving others, and I strongly admire the covenant of marriage. Coming from a long line of women who loved their husbands, took exceptional care of their family and friends, survived on their faith, loved to cook, bake, entertain, serve others themselves and run their own businesses, that my sweet friends is why I followed my heart and created Sweetbelle Farms. It's truly a collaboration of legacy my family left behind and the way we wanted to live our life here.

You see, it's not just about building another wedding venue. It's about serving others and giving them the same environment that deep down..they long for in their hearts for their special day. Be that a wedding, engagement, shower, anniversary we believe in just celebrating life in a place you feel at home! We believe in family values even when the loving gets tough, in happiness, in always doing what is right, and treasuring the legacies our great family members left behind here on our land. We believe in hospitality. I felt like this was the missing link around here and in our industry. We have a purpose, a deep purpose that was designed far before my time got here, and we are ready to celebrate with you and give you more than just an experience on our little piece of land we love! Your wedding day should be everything you dreamed of without having to break the bank. Come experience the Sweetbelle experience and let us help you create it!

  Love, Allyson 

Address:  6949 East 135 road Holdenville, Ok 74848

Hours: By Appointment Only

Phone    405.592.9360

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